[Techtalk] backups outside subnet

Meryll Larkin mll at alwanza.com
Thu Jun 21 05:19:50 UTC 2012

Thanks to everyone who responded, both to the list and to me individually!
Thanks especially to Magni  who pointed me to BackupPC.

I spent more than 80 hours trying to get Bacula to work and it just doesn't.
Finally today I got the SSH Tunnel to work and then I got Bacula
authentication errors, which is stupid because the  username and password
were all the same and they worked for the director and file daemons.  AND
they worked for the client in the same subnet as the server.  Bacula with an
SSH Tunnel just doesn't work in my environment.  An SSH Tunnel with port
forwarding is not easy in my environment, it is nearly impossible; and even
when it works, the backup still does not.   I'm not a novice.  I should
mention that none of my clients nor server have fully qualified domain
names, resolving forward and backward in different nameservers.   Yuck.  So
I had to use IP addresses in all my config files, but that is problematic
with Bacula in other ways.

I spent 4 hours installing and configuring BackupPC (because I'm always slow
the first time I do anything:   I read the documentation, and I proceed
carefully and I take notes at the same time) and I am now backing up the
public IP client I could not reach with Bacula.

That's a HUGE difference:  more than 80 hours vs 4....

Also thanks to Lisa who had experience with another backup client and
discouraged me from pursuing another dead end.  I am so grateful for this
list!  Knowing what technologies will just be a further waste of my time is
also valuable information!

Meryll Larkin

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