[Techtalk] /etc/pam.d/ configs wanted

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Mon Jun 20 04:42:04 EST 2005

Hiya homies,

I need some /etc/pam.d/  configs from different Linuxes. I have Fedora and 
Debian; SuSE, Slackware, Gentoo, and any others would be luvverly to have. 
Please schlep me the whole directory full o' files. It's not too big to 
attach to email, on most distros it's under 100k. (Except Fedora, which is 
512k, so Red Hat is probably similar. Oink.)

Carla Schroder
check out my new book, the "Linux Cookbook", the ultimate Linux user's 
and sysadmin's guide! http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxckbk/
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