[Techtalk] PC card modem/non-powered external modem wanted

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Tue Jun 21 04:31:25 EST 2005

I need a nice PCMCIA modem for my Thinkpad that actually works on Linux, which 
the freakin' built-in modem by the great Big Blue Friend of the Penguin does 
not. (Yes, I am bitter and whiny, sheesh, how hard it is to use a compatible 
chip fer gosh sakes. Lamerz.) I have googled and perused and am dazed and 
confused. Supposedly Lucent winmodems have Linux drivers, but then I have 
seen articles where they do not perform well. 

Or, an external serial or USB modem that does not require a separate power 
supply would work too. My power here is flaky to the extreme, so I am getting 
laptop batteries and a modem so I can keep working when the power fails. 

Any suggestions?  thankee!

Carla Schroder
check out my new book, the "Linux Cookbook", the ultimate Linux user's 
and sysadmin's guide! http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxckbk/
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