[Techtalk] OT: Floor wax & desert topping (was:
dev_null at iriXx.org
Tue Sep 16 10:09:11 EST 2003
and there's me thinking it was something to do with the screen colours
in Solaris.....
Julie wrote:
> Rachel McConnell wrote:
>> Not me, not me! Explain, explain! It sounds funny.
> Yeah, I can tell you're a kid because you top-posted.
> Saturday Night Live, which is a weekly comedy show here in the
> States, makes fake commercials which they insert into their show.
> Some of them are "real" enough to be almost believable. This
> one wasn't.
> The commercial is for a product called "Shimmer". I forget the
> exact commercial but in one clip the woman is using it to wax
> her floor and in another she is putting it on her husband's
> dessert.
> That's all I remember. Perhaps old Caity can fill in the bits
> that old Julie can't remember ...
> -- Julie.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Subject: Re: [Techtalk] OT: Floor wax & desert topping
>>> On Monday 15 September 2003 1:04 pm, Caitlyn Martin wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 19:26:00 -0500
>>>> Julie <txjulie at austin.rr.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Sun? I thought Veritas is a SANS product and not just
>>> local disk
>>>>>> management.
>>>>> It's a floor wax and a desert topping.
>>>> LOL. I wonder how many here are old enough to remember that :)
>>>> All the best,
>>> At least old you and old Julie..... :)
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