[Techtalk] Extended Partitions

Hamster hamster at hamsternet.org
Wed Nov 19 23:17:59 EST 2003

On 19 Nov 2003 15:47:35 -0500
TechChiq <techchiq at hotpop.com> wrote:


Thanks for you response, but by what you've said it looks like you havent
understood my original question. Perhaps I dont speak english very well
anymore :)

I'm not referring to primary partitions or logical drives, I am referring to
the extended partition, which is a type of primary partition that allows the
creation of logical drives within. 

An extended partition doesnt have a file system type associated
with it (such as fat or ext) but is actually a type of primary partition
that acts as a "container" in which logical drives can sit, and those
logical drives do have a filesystem type.

So no, I'm not seeing any left-overs from anything else. This isnt about
dual-booting or anything like that. I'm simply wondering what the difference
is between the extended partition types 0x05 and 0x85, and if choosing one
over the other has any implications for the types of logical drives that can
be created within it.


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