[Techtalk] Educational tools and contacts
Robyn Manning
rmanning at adam.com.au
Sat Dec 13 02:50:28 EST 2003
At Linux.Conf.Au there is a mini-conf run by David Lloyd
lloy0076 at adam.com.au called EducationaLinux.
On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 10:21, Mary wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I got a mail from the online coordinator for Macquarie University
> Postragraduate Professional Development Programs who wants to find out
> two things from my LUG, but I'm piggybacking here because I didn't get
> enough responses there.
> He wants to know about:
> - the range of educational tools Linux has on offer
> - people who know about educational tools on Linux
> I know nothing about this, so if people can offer suggestions of
> educational tools, that would be excellent.
> I think he probably wants Australian contacts (since he's at an
> Australian university and contacted a local LUG), but if you happen to
> be really really into educational tools and Linux and want to talk to
> him despite geographic differences, mail me offlist.
> Most of my responses from the LUG were about K-12 or K-6 educational
> tools, and since he's a postgraduate education person, he may want some
> adult education tools.
> Thanks,
> Mary
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