[Techtalk] Error installing the driver of my 10/100MB Ethernet card

Meredydd Luff meredydd at everybuddy.com
Fri Nov 8 11:46:29 EST 2002

On Friday 08 November 2002 09:41, Magni Onsoien wrote:
> However, from what you wrote in your first post you computer seems to
> have recognized it and you should then not have to compile the module
> yourself.

Ah, not necessarily. What was given was the output of lspci, I'm pretty sure 
(sorry, deleted that message!) - lspci merely uses PCI standard queries to 
get info on any card connected to the system. That the kernel recognises that 
PCI device number xxx is a card reporting itself as a "Sweex PCI Lancard" is 
a LONG way from having a driver for it loaded and recognising it. lspci just 
tells you that the card's connected, not that the OS has managed to *do* 
anything with it.



MSN Developer, Everybuddy project

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