[Techtalk] C programming "course"

stephani schielke schielke at cs.montana.edu
Sat Jan 12 14:33:51 EST 2002

coldfire wrote:

>>	I don't have the time right now, but would happily coordinate
>>/help run one on networking or security in the future, or participate in
>>one on Perl or shell scripting.  
>i would especially enjoy security 'discussion' ... but i would be more
>than happy to offer what i know regarding c++ and/or the datastructures.
>Techtalk mailing list
>Techtalk at linuxchix.org
I'd also be interested in learning some networking and security stuff. 
 Heck, I'll just get it over with now and say I'm interested in learning 
just about everything(aren't most of us the same way??).  But yeah, 
security really interests me...
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