[Techtalk] Multiple NICs, Bad IRQs?
jockgrrl at austin.rr.com
Tue Sep 11 21:01:40 EST 2001
the sunlover2 wrote:
> Changing IRQ manually can be easy for some NICs: Go to the web site of the
> NIC vendor(s) and find/download the support software. Run it and you will be
> able to do the job. I just did it on my Compaq NIC two weeks ago.
> Good luck!
Nope, didn't cure the problem. I now have eth0 set to IRQ 10
and I'm still having framing problems. This is what I get going
to another machine on the same 100BaseTX LAN --
ftp> get mello.avi
local: mello.avi remote: mello.avi
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,152,108)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for mello.avi (974762 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
974762 bytes received in 2.95 secs (3.2e+02 Kbytes/sec)
And for my efforts, several hundred more receiver errors. The
other machines in the house all get 2 or 3 MB/s when talking to
each other. It's just this one interface on this one machine.
I've swapped everything around -- and I mean =everything= --
and nothing makes a difference. Not the card, the cables, the
in-wall wiring. If it's eth0 it gets receiver errors ...
-- Julie.
> >From: Julie <jockgrrl at austin.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: jockgrrl at austin.rr.com
> >To: techtalk at linuxchix.simegen.com
> >Subject: [Techtalk] Multiple NICs, Bad IRQs?
> >Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 09:43:02 -0500
> >
> >Greets,
> >
> >I have two NICs -- Netgear FA311s -- in my server/gateway machine
> >and the first NIC, eth0, has horrid performance. I've swapped
> >everything I can imagine swapping. Last night I even rewired the
> >connection from the server to my Ethernet switch. The highest
> >perfomance I get is 300KB/s. Every other machine in the house
> >can talk to every other machine at 4MB/s or more.
> >
> >The only thing I can see is that eth0 has an IRQ of 5, which is
> >lower priority than almost everything else. ifconfig eth0
> >reports thousands of framing errors -- if I switch cables, ports
> >on the switch, cards, etc -- I see the same thing.
> >
> >The other NIC is connected to a cable modem. It has no errors
> >and works like a dream.
> >
> >I hate to think this is all being caused by the wrong IRQ because
> >I don't know how to change the IRQ on these NICs. They have no
> >jumpers and the BIOS is setting the IRQ for me.
> >
> >HELP!
> >--
> >Julianne Frances Haugh Life is either a daring adventure
> >jockgrrl at austin.rr.com or nothing at all.
> > -- Helen Keller
> >
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Julianne Frances Haugh Life is either a daring adventure
jockgrrl at austin.rr.com or nothing at all.
-- Helen Keller
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