[techtalk] shell scripts at boot

David Merrill david at lupercalia.net
Mon Feb 5 21:08:56 EST 2001

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 04:53:14PM -0800, I guess I'm an underwater thing wrote:
> Hey guys -
> I don't know much about startup/shutdown.  I have written a shell script
> that starts my web servers and a few other services so that I don't have
> to manually do it every time I reboot.  What I'd ultimately like is if it
> could run as part of the boot process.
> How would I make this happen?

Depends somewhat on the distribution you're using and its
intialization methods. RH uses what is called System V initialization.
If this is what your system uses, you will find a script called
/etc/rc.d/rc.local that you can modify. I strongly recommend you add
only a call to your script rather than modifying the rc.local heavily,
because it makes system upgrades easier to leave the script mostly

There are many, many resources on the net with more complete
information on SysV init, if you're interested. Just google for
"System V init" and you'll find some.


Dr. David C. Merrill                     http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project                   david at lupercalia.net
Collection Editor & Coordinator            http://www.linuxdoc.org
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