[techtalk] disappearing mouse!!

Martin.Caitlyn at epamail.epa.gov Martin.Caitlyn at epamail.epa.gov
Mon Feb 5 18:15:01 EST 2001

Hi, e,

Errr... changing monitor resolution should be no big thing.  I have my
system set up so that I can change between the two I use on the fly, and
nothing errant happens.  Even making changes in XF86Setup or XF86Config
don't break it.  I don't know what happened in your case, but changing
resolution *shouldn't* effect your mouse.  I sure wouldn't write off doing
it again.



Caitlyn M. Martin             martin.caitlyn at epa.gov
Systems Analyst              (919) 541-4441
Lockheed Martin
(a contractor for the US EPA)

                    I guess I'm an                                                                                
                    underwater thing          To:     David Merrill <david at lupercalia.net>                        
                    <fishie at gawth.com>        cc:     techtalk at linuxchix.org                                      
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     Re: [techtalk] disappearing mouse!!                    
                    techtalk-admin at lin                                                                            
                    02/05/01 04:26 PM                                                                             

I used mouseconfig, XF86Config, and Xconfigurator, but to no avail.

I reinstalled the operating system this morning and all is well.  Note to
self, don't change the monitor resolution.


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