[techtalk] servers: Dell vs Compaq [was:Other OSes on a Linux box]

Jamie Walker jj.walker at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Jan 5 14:44:12 EST 2000

J B wrote:

> >We stopped buying Dell servers because their hard drives pop out >randomly
> Have never heard of anything like this.  We have two Dell servers...4300
> Poweredge, and they are pretty good machines...got another 128 MB PC100 to
> put in them, but Dell sold us buffered RAM, and the boards do not support
> it.

We have five Poweredge 2300 servers here (three running Linux, two
running Novell) and we've found them to be extremely reliable, with no
faults whatsoever. We've had them around a year each. Our next server is
going to be a Dell also, as we're totally happy with them.

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 x4679     Room: 2.316, School of Engineering
 Work: jj.walker at auckland.ac.nz Home: jamiew at clear.net.nz
  ICQ: 5632563			or shout loudly

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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