[IndiChix] [ann] (A) vote results, (B) move to new server.

Sriram Narayanan sriramnrn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 15:21:37 UTC 2009

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 8:35 PM, pavithran <pavithran.s at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Sriram Narayanan <sriramnrn at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Ketan had told me that all he needs would be SSH public keys from
>> Radha and Kadambari. If you both send your public keys to him, he can
>> set up connectivity for you.
> Since exchanging keys is taking time  Why not Ketan installs mediawiki and
> gives the admin password to linux chix india coordinators ? The ssh accounts
> could be created at a later stage once the main web page is up and running
> then ssh could be used for adding planet and other tasks .

I don't know if you saw my mail explaining that all the delay is due to me.

The whole point of this exercise is to ensure that newbie sysadmins
get to administer the site (unlike people like you and me).

>> Having done this before, I think we can follow the instructions that
>> I'd given earlier on this list.
>> Radha, Kadambari: if you face any problems with this step, please let me
>> know.
> Yes once the page is up , you guys could continue with this step . Why I am
> stating this is Charlotte Oliver  from main chapter of linuxchix.org has
> given the domain of india.linuxchix.org on 11th february 2009 and it still
> doesn't work . I would like to volunteer to speed up the process.

Let Radha do this. Ketan has recently sent her instructions on how to
log on to the box. Since tomorrow is a weekend, I intend to call Radha
and stand by for assistance while she sets up everything.

> I can install mediawiki on a server and extract data from a backed up
> installation of mediawiki.

Let's have the volunteers do these sysadmin tasks at their pace. There
is no rush with this, as has been pointed out to me by several others
on this list recently.

The delay (talking to people to get them to generate SSH keys,
verifying the keys and passing them on to Ketan, asking Ketan to send
out information) in any case is because of me.

-- Sriram

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