[IndiChix] [x-post] LC-india domain

Kingsly John member+indichix at kingsly.net
Thu Jan 1 04:08:50 UTC 2009

+++ Atul Chitnis [Thu, Jan 01, 2009 at 06:29:09AM +0530]:
> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008, Gayathri Swaminathan wrote:
> > Reading through all of this thread understanding the issues are:
> >
> > - linuxchix.org.in is expiring?
> It is not. The issue was that the domain owner paid for it (or rather, it 
> got auto-renewed).

Isn't the issue that the current "owner" of the domain not active and isn't
even on the mailing list?

> > - it was suggested to in.linuxchix.org
> >
> > Here are my questions related to the above:
> >
> > - Was it discussed with the other Indichix administrators?
> Apparently not. I asked around, but no one seems to see the issue. Seems 
> like a very unilateral move. But then what do I know? No one seems to know 
> who the admins are, either, or who appointed them! :)

Nice try Atul, I'm sure someone with your level of net-savvy could have
easily found that out.

The URL in the footer of each mail
http://mailman.linuxchix.org/mailman/listinfo/indichix says ...

IndiChix list run by vid at svaksha.com, archu.oct at gmail.com, hassath at
gmail.com, laksharma at gmail.com, radha.nitt at gmail.com, tsvuij at

Definitely doesn't look like one person to me.

> Advantages - total control by Vidya

Err please explain how does she get "total control"? 

She doesn't own the in.linuxchix.org (sub)domain or the mailinglist and won't
own the content of the wiki/planet either

But Swati on the other hand does control the linuxchix.org.in domain (and it's
your server?)

> Disadvantages - a very likely split

Who is leaving ? Swati who has already quit the list and you ??

> > - When does linuxchix.org.in expire? How soon we need to make a decision?
> It will never expire. I think it is that realization that triggered this 
> response.

Or maybe the realization that allowing someone from team foss.in, the same
people who usurped the linux-bangalore.* domains from the BLUG for their use
inspite of the domains being paid for by multiple people?

For those not in the know please read Item #4 in the minutes of the BLUG meet
from July 2001
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/linux-bangalore-non-tech/message/392 , 4 years
later Atul and his team had changed ownership of the domains to their

Definitely not the kind of people that should be trusted with control of any

> The people who are affected are basically the people who do not believe 
> that this (giving absolute control to one person, already known for taking 
> unilateral decisions) is a good idea, and that this matter is being 
> politicized for the sole purpose of gaining control without any benefits 
> to the group.

Again how does it give any control to anyone? If anything it reduces the
amount of control Swati has at the moment. And the parent organisation
(linuxchix.org) will have control over everything.

> Maybe someone should ask vidya what exactly is gained by this move, that 
> clearly doesn't even have minority support (at least none that is 
> visible)?

And we hear thunderous support for your plans to fork and start an alternate
chapter .. where ???

> I for one have no clue what she hopes to gain, but I can tell you what 
> this group stands to lose - basically all those members who have actually 
> been doing something, or supporting the group. Most of them are gone 
> already, and the remaining will leave as well.

Where are "all those members" why aren't they speaking up? 

> In fact our listadmin appears to be more concerned with arranging dinners 
> for yet another group, than furthering the cause of this group!

And you have a problem with that because? You dedicate all your efforts to
just one cause all the time right ?

> How about handing over the list adminship to someone less ambitious, 
> someone who consults with this group's members before taking decisions (or 
> even dreams up a reason for having to take such a decision)?

Wasn't the original mail a call for exactly that kind of discussion ? Before
you came in with your threat of forking?



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