[IndiChix] Libre Labs for women

hassath at gmail.com hassath at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 12:27:47 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Ajay Kumar <ajuonline at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI Hassath,

Hi Ajay.

>>There might be more later, but no >one
>>knows at what point. Anyone on the list who wants to
>>donate/lend/arrange for more machines?
> /me Raises hands!
> I have talked to Google about it, they will confirm me by next week. So its
> pretty early to answer How much? When? and Where? exactly at this point. But
> I will update the list once I have more information!

That's great. Hope to hear some good news soon.

>>I don't know about 'centrally located', but yes, it's well within city
>>limits. It's near the Jawaharlal Nehru University (towards the south
>>western part of Delhi), in a residential area, not far from the main
>>road, and well-connected by bus.
> JNU is a good option.

It's near JNU- Ber Sarai, to be more specific.

>>Would they be in a position to do the coordination and planning? I >can
>>put them in touch with Gayatri, and they can come and
>>check out the space, to begin with.
> /me raises hands again.
> I would be more than happy to work on it. But to be noted. I am not
> physically located in delhi. 2 hours North of Delhi i.e. Panipat :-)

Wow, that's some enthusiasm :-)

> I will be commuting on the need basis :-) So, some help on that. I will try
> push some of my friends in delhi on to with this..

Sure. Let's see what comes up which needs to be done, and maybe we can
find sufficient people (including ourselves) to do them. Any other
willing hands from Delhi on this list?

- Hassath

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