[Courses] Re: Computer Security career path

Raven Alder raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Tue Feb 1 23:29:31 EST 2005

Heya --

Quoth Elwing (Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 09:01:12AM -0500):
> >How did you learn to do this?
> Mostly poking around on my own.  Once I discovered Nmap, it was all over 
> :)  The man pages for Nmap are excellent, and just running scans against 
> my own systems was extremely interesting.

	Yeah, there's nothing like experimentation and being able to
look at your own system from both the outside and the inside.  However,
if you don't have the training budget for a class, the "Hacking Exposed"
series of books are actually really good.  (I love this, because now I
can go "buy that book" when people ask me how to learn to do my job.
It's much shorter than the previous two hour explanation.)


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