[Courses] [Python] Welcome

Wendy Galovich wendy at scottishmusician.com
Wed Jul 3 06:01:15 EST 2002

Hi, apologies if everyone else is getting this twice. I sent a reply
yesterday morning and still haven't seen it in my inbox.

I have previously dabbled in JavaScript, C and a bit of Python at home,
and in VB at work. I've also used SQL fairly frequently at work. I have
both the Learning Python and Programming Python books and will be using
them as references as I follow along in the course.


On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 08:39, Sue Stones wrote:
> Welcome to the Python programming course.  I am really glad to have some
> people that want to do the course.   And I hope that you are going to enjoy this
> and get something useful from it.
> Every course is run differently, and so let me start by discussing how I intend
> to
> run this one.  I had considered using  Mark Lutz's "Programming Python" which I
> have.  But it was suggested that I use "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz & David
> Asher.  (both O'Reilly books)  This would be more appropriate to more
> inexperienced
> programmers.  Some people indicated they didn't want to buy a book, or wanted to
> but didn't have the means.  So...
> It doesn't really matter what resource that you use, find one or more that suits
> you
> and your experience.  (I will include some links to online recourses).
> Programming is
> a practical skill, so the best way to learn is to practice it.  So, the way I
> propose
> to do this is to set some short assignments, working through different  parts of
> the
> language.  Everyone can post any questions, comments, rantings, and assignment
> solutions to the mailing list.  The rate at which we progress will depend on how
> fast
> you are.  That is we will progress on to the next topic and assignment only as
> most
> people have finished the last assignment.  So if we start off eager, we can move
> fast,
> if people are busy with other things we will move slower.  If we find some
> concept is
> harder we can spend more time on it.
> Now before anyone panics about assignments, of course they aren't compulsory,
> but if
> you don't want to do them or just one of them, please let me know so that I am
> not
> waiting for you.  You can just comment on other people's answers if you like.
> The
> assignments will be small and are a means of learning NOT assessment!!*!
> This system works best if you are vocal about what you are learning.  Post a
> summary if you
> like, think up questions, or more assignments.  Anything that you say will help
> other people
> so don't hold back.
> I was thinking of roughly following "Learning Python" and ordered the book, but
> it is on backorder, so I have no ides when it might get here.  Please let me
> know whether you have the same trouble.
> Introduce yourself on the list, tell us what programming experience you have,
> and what
> resource you are planning to use for the course.  Are you waiting for a book to
> arrive.
> Also post a quote that is related to why this language is called "Python"
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> sue
> The Learning Python page.  http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpython/toc.html
> About Python.  http://home.rmi.net/~lutz/about-python.html
> A tutorial.  http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html
> The Python website.  http://www.python.org/
> A downloadable book.  http://sourceforge.net/projects/diveintopython/
> The O'Rielly network.  http://www.onlamp.com/python/
> HOW TO documents.  http://py-howto.sourceforge.net/
> For experienced programmers.  http://diveintopython.org/
> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python/Cookbook/
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