[Courses] [Python] Welcome

Sophie sophie at cats.meow.at
Tue Jul 2 17:15:30 EST 2002


I'm a student in my second year of a BSc in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, and am trying to spend my time wisely before the next term starts in October, so I'm making my way through a backlog of things which were occupying my mind, one of which being that I'd like to learn Python. It seems like a nice practical, useful language, and at a quick glance looks to work along the lines of the way I think (it looks somewhat like my pseudocode :), but I have yet to learn the details.

I'm a bit of a geek, mostly programing in C, although I've been relaxing with a little php recently, as it helps clear my mind. I'm mostly intrested in low level code, OS design, system stuff etc. I  enjoy mips, and am learning strongarm assembly, to couple with some hardware projects.

Unfortunatley I dont have any witty quotes about Python, although I'm very aware that it is named after Monthy Python' :)

If anyone uses IRC, I'm on efnet (as sophie), and have a website at http://cats.meow.at/~sophie/

I think that's all :)

- Sophie

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