[Announce] [Sydney, Australia] Sydney LinuxChix meeting: 20th December 2003

Mary mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Wed Dec 3 15:00:02 EST 2003

Sydney LinuxChix meetings open to women interested in Linux and their
friends. If you're interested in being part of the chapter, visit

Terri Oda is visiting Australia during December 2003 and we're having a
picnic while she's in Sydney. 

    Saturday 20th December 2003

    Meet 1:30pm

    Meet on the Opera House steps. (The closest train station is
    Circular Quay.) We'll wait until 1:45 and then go to the Botanical
    Gardens for a picnic.

I'm fairly easy to find -- I am 190cm (6'4") tall. I will try and wear a
penguin adorned T-Shirt too...

BYO picnic food.

It's likely to be quite hot, so bring hats, sunscreen, water as


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