[Announce] UseLinux track at USENIX

Val Henson val at nmt.edu
Sat Dec 6 18:30:18 EST 2003

I encourage all of you to consider submitting a presentation for the
UseLinux track at USENIX 2004.  From the CFP:

"The focus of UseLinux, as the name implies, will be on showcasing
ways in which creative members of the Linux community are making use
of Linux on the desktop, in embedded applications, in corporate data
centers, in retail environments . . . the possibilities are endless!"

No written paper is required, but you need to submit a 2-3 page
extended abstract by Dec. 16, 2003 so that the program committee has
some way to choose which presentations to accept.


Proposals for more informal, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are also

If you aren't sure what to do, want to run your idea by someone, or
would like some help putting together the abstract, please feel free
to contact me.


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