[Actionchix] Magazine Step 1: Set up wiki - volunteers?
Selbak, Rolla N
rolla.n.selbak at intel.com
Fri Sep 7 01:42:56 UTC 2007
>-----Original Message-----
>From: actionchix-bounces at linuxchix.org
>[mailto:actionchix-bounces at linuxchix.org] On Behalf Of Clytie Siddall
>Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:33 PM
>To: actionchix at linuxchix.org
>Subject: Re: [Actionchix] Magazine Step 1: Set up wiki - volunteers?
>Sorry if I'm catching up with this late.
>I'd like to help with the magazine when I can. I write good docs and
>explain myself very well: I can take something to pieces and make it
>clear to a new user, for example. I love introducing people to new
>ideas and skills. (I'm a teacher by vocation.)
>I don't know if we've got as far as content, but I've noticed some
>suggestions in other posts. We're need to provide for both
>experienced users and new or less experienced users. I suggest we run
>both those levels, providing at least an article and a Q&A section
>for both.
>One edition of the magazine could include, for example:
>Article: AJAX programming tips and tricks
>Artlcle: What's scary about the command line? Step-by-step intro.
>Q&A: Under the Hood
> • CMS or Wiki?
> • Script kiddie repellants (spray or rollon)
> • How secure is Apache?
> • Advantages and disadvantages of "quick and dirty" scripting
>Q&A: It's Your Computer
> • What's a "distro" (and why do they have such weird names)?
> • How can I get rid of a program that won't quit? (The Zombie
> • What's a "soft reboot" and "hard reboot"?
> • Where do I find logs and debug information?
I really like the idea of catering to both levels of users (experienced & less-experienced/new), and I really like your examples! Very well done...
>We could also have regular columns on:
>The newest, shiniest gadget
>Chix conference report
>Choosing hardware (series)
>Workplace issues
>Toot your Horn
>Books and Resources (multilingual)
>Women in Computing Profile
>Chix chapter news
>Chix adverts
>Cons and Meetings
>Grants and support
>Just a few ideas. ;)
Your ideas are really great! I suggest having a vote on the titles of what the "regular columns" will be...I was thinking of starting a voting thread on this a little later, I think this would be a great place to submit these ideas!
Also just out of curiosity, would you be able to translate to Vietnamese? I was thinking we could also have a translation team that would translate any number of articles to different non-English languagues...just a thought...
Again, very great ideas, thanks for sharing!
>from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm
>Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
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