[Actionchix] Simpler designs

Mary Gardiner mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Thu Jun 29 07:55:43 UTC 2006

On Thu, Jun 29, 2006, Terri Oda wrote:
> http://terri.zone12.com/linuxchix/index-blue-orange.html
> I know Val said she wanted calming blues, but I thought it would be fun 
> to use the orange accent colour in one design.  left side menu, larger 
> robotux, text wrapping underneath the menu rather than a big white bar. 
>  Headers have orange lines underneath as accents.

I think this is my favourite of your designs... except for two things:

 1. the way the text starts to slide under the navigation bar section.
    Very few sites do this and that makes it un-expected. And it means
    that the navigation bar is not clearly delineated from the main body.

 2. The navigation is really de-emphasised by being way down under the
    logo. To be honest, I'd prefer people to find our navigation bar
    than our logo.


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