[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Katrina Owen binaryjane at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 00:53:42 UTC 2007

On 3/30/07, Carla Schroder <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:
> What do you want?

I want to write about 150 childrens books about science (for kids 3 -
5 years old).
I want to be a professional programmer.
I want to be a full time mom.
I want to be financially free so that I can spend my time doing all of
the above without having to chase down food and rent.
I want to be gorgeous.

How far along am I towards these dreams?

* Kids books:
I have about 10 blueprints, mostly about physics, but also some
biology, suitable for 3 - 4 year olds.

* Programming:
Learning java. Freelancing webdesign. I intend to pass the Sun
Certified [something-or-other] within the next six months. Preferably
both the 'programmer' and the 'web components' exams.
I live in Scandinavia, but once my husband's Green Card is in order,
we will be moving to Los Angeles, where I intend to find a job as a
junior developer.

* Full time mom: Married to a person who makes me feel like the most
fortunate creature alive, every single second of the day. Kids will
probably manifest themselves within the next couple of years.

* Financially free:
Yeah, right. I am working as a bartender and barista. Have previously
worked as a medical transcriptionist, receptionst, bilingual
secretary, fork-lift driver, etc., etc., etc. The real irony is that I
have a degree in genetics, which I probably won't use for anything
beyond suggesting to people that I am smart enough to learn stuff.
Oh, and maybe writing kids books about genetics.

I hate hating my jobs.
If I never had to work to earn money again, I would program, write
kid's books, and be a mom (mind you, not a housekeeper. I'd definitely
hire someone for that!).

I started setting aside 10 % of what I earn, to put towards
investments (as per 'The Richest Man in Babylon'). I have gotten my
finances under control, and feel a surge of pride every month when I
see my investments account grow, and I have earned more than I have

I started dreaming and being ambitious about five years ago, when I
read 'I Could Do Anything if Only I Knew What it Was' (and 'It's Only
Too Late If You Don't Start Now') by Barbara Sher. I didn't know what
I wanted, but I knew that I wanted something scientific, so I chose to
go for a degree in biology. Why biology, when I want to program? Well,
I didn't know five years ago that I would like programming as much as
Iike knowing cool things about the human brain. It was the right thing
to do, because it got me moving, and once moving, I could start
maneuvering. Hard to maneuver when you are stuck.


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