[Techtalk] satellite vs. mobile internet

Michael Carson mc at mike-carson.com
Fri Jul 31 17:46:45 UTC 2015

I haven't used those sat providers, but I do use 4G a lot with very little
issue. It takes a big cap to get through a month, but speeds are usually
fine and even latency isn't bad. As long as my signal is reasonable
(doesn't even have to be good) I can VPN, browse, watch videos, and even
game (MMOs, anyway) via it.

On Jul 31, 2015 1:23 PM, "Carla Schroder" <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:

> O Techtalk Hive Mind,
> I am moving to a new home that has only Wild Blue, Hughes Net, and
> mobile Internet. No dialup, no DSL, no cable, no wifi. So, given the
> choice of satellite or 3G/4G, which would you choose? I don't need to
> stream tons of movies or games; I work at home, so I'm doing email,
> lots of Web surfing, and occasionally using VPN to connect to work
> servers. I work on my nice big Linux PC, not a tiny little mobile
> thingy.
> thanks,
> Carla
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