[Techtalk] Ohio Linuxfest CFP closes July 8

Moose Finklestein mizmoose at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 16:09:02 UTC 2013

And on the other side of the planet... :-)

The Ohio LinuxFest is an all-volunteer run conference dedicated to Free and
Open Source software and hardware.  This year's event is September 13-15.

We are looking for talks in all sorts of areas related to FOSS/H, not just
Linux.  Past topics have included video production, improving accessibility
in software, installing PC-BSD, cloud computing, server imaging, embedded
systems, using FOSS in public high schools, and in your business, plus
talks about all sorts of software packages from the well known to the
smaller project.

We'd love to hear more about other-than-common-Linuxes FOSS systems,
different hardware (like Android, or game boxes), and both new and
different ideas or new ideas for old things.  We are also looking for talks
for new users, for our "Meet the Penguin" track, which starts with a talk
called, "I've Installed, Now What?".

We welcome new speakers (everyone has to start somewhere!).  We primarily
choose talks on the speaker's knowledge and experience with the topic.

We are diversity friendly, and will soon be opening a CFP for our Diversity
in Open Source Workshop on Sept 15.

Submit your talk no later than July 8 here: http://ohiolinux.org/cfp .
Sorry, but due to our limited budget - we do not charge for basic admission
- we cannot offer any travel assistance.

Please spread this information to any other lists.

Ohio LinuxFest 2013

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