[Techtalk] script to change uppercase to title case in OFX/QFX

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Tue Nov 29 19:19:31 UTC 2011

It is MUCH too quiet here. So here is a little problem for you fine brainiacs. 
I import OFX/QFX files from my bank accounts into GnuCash, a nice time saver. 
BUT. It is all uppercase, so it's like GnuCash is shouting at me, which makes 
me sad. I've been trying to figure out a nice one-liner or script to convert 
selected fields to title case, and so far have failed utterly. QFX is Quicken's 
proprietary "enhancement" to the open OFX format; it includes some secret 
magic somewhere to force institutions to pay royalties. Nice, eh? But I 
digress. Both are a form of SGML, and this is what it looks like:

   <MEMO>CHESTERS THRIFTWAY    JOHN DAY   OR 11-25-11 330346 


   <NAME>USPS 4058720860963919    MOUNT
   <MEMO>USPS 4058720860963919  MOUNT VERNON OR 11-24-11 910453 

I want the NAME and MEMO fields in title case. The tags need to be in 
uppercase; I don't know if this part of the spec or a limitation in GnuCash. 
Is this too much to ask? So much happiness it would bring. I have tried 
various things myself and not figured out the magic that selects only the NAME 
and MEMO data without changing tags or other data fields.

thanks :)


Carla Schroder, ace Linux guru and howto author
541-932-4817 PT
carla at tuxcomputing.com

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