[Techtalk] Fedora QA recruiting

vid vid at svaksha.com
Sat Sep 26 06:34:24 UTC 2009

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:24, Adam Williamson <awilliam at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi, everyone. Hope it's OK to send this mail here - I had a look through
> all the available lists and this seemed closest.

If you are looking for a wider reach grrltalk would be ok too, i
guess. I'll also forward this to indichix.

> We do actually have a few women involved, but
> they're all Red Hat employees; on the volunteer side, it's all men so
> far.

" When speaking of women in the IT industry, it is not uncommon for
many folks to (un)knowingly confuse unpaid women volunteers in FLOSS
with  women working in the IT industry for a monetary consideration. "
[/shameless plug]

As someone who does not earn a living from the IT industry its fairly
amusing to see folks trot out statistics even today. So I just wanted
to say a big "thankyou" for publicly acknowledging this and apologise
for not directly helping out with Fedora QA -- its debian and ubuntu
for me :)

-an ex-fedora user.
http://vid.svaksha.com ||

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