[Techtalk] what the heck does this mean!!

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Sun Oct 4 01:54:36 UTC 2009

On Saturday 03 October 2009 06:19:43 pm Akkana Peck wrote:
> Carla Schroder writes:
> > http://bratgrrl.com/wtf.jpg
> > What the heck is all this and what can I do about it? Is there some
> > secret message in all that gobbledegook to tell me how to fix this?
> >
> > I have only one 64 Studio kernel so I can't check if it's some kernel
> > weirdness. Only the mobo and the RAM are new.
> Sorry, but it is kernel weirdness -- it's a kernel panic message.
> Something in the 64 Studio kernel can't deal with something about
> your new motherboard.
> But if you have a kernel that works for kubuntu, how about booting
> 64 Studio using your Kubuntu kernel? I do that all the time, use
> a kernel from one distro but the root= from another distro.
> It works fine if they're both 32-bit. If your Kubuntu is 32-bit
> but 64 Studio is 64-bit, that might be a different story -- but
> it's certainly worth a try.

Thanks Akkana. They're  both 32-bit, so I'll just add a new stanza to menu.lst 
and give it a whirl. I'm also downloading 64-bit 64 Studio just to see if 
that works differently. 64 Studio is derived from Ubuntu and Debian. My 
Kubuntu has an rt kernel just like 64 Studio, but it's a couple versions 
older. Might be other differences too, who knows, I might diff their config- 
files for kicks.

I was so excited with this new board. Onboard sound, gigabit ethernet, and a 
really cool feature-- the CMOS battery is mounted end-wise, so it's easy to 
remove and replace it. Whodathunkit. And now this...computerus interruptus. 


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