[Techtalk] brower access from fortran 95
Conor Daly
c.daly at met.ie
Wed Mar 5 10:12:48 UTC 2008
On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 10:05:26AM -0500 or thereabouts, Shirrell wrote:
> Conor Daly wrote:
> >On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 09:46:30PM -0500 or thereabouts, Shirrell wrote:
> I am trying to move our help files from text to html -- driven this way by
> the vagaries of Vista on the PC. I can do this on the PC with a function in
> the Winteracter library but I would like to be able to do it on our other
> supported environments -- Linux and Solaris.
I'm not sure why you want to use fortran here. It's not the most
sophisticated of text processing tools. There are text to html utilities
out there though I can't think of any off the cuff. Something like perl is
likely to be a better tool for parsing text too.
> > call system('xdg-open, URL')
> >
> >if you're expecting the user's system to have xdg-utils
> >(http://portland.freedesktop.org/) installed. I'm not sure though if you
> >can
> >use a program variable within the system call...
> >
> Thanks this is helpful. A major problem" I do not know what browser the
> user might be using.
xdg-utils is intended to provide a standard interface to the user's
preferred tools. xdg-open will choose the user's nominated browser so you
don't have to worry about which one they're using. Only thing then is to
get the user to install xdg-utils.
Of course, that assumes that the user will be running your program to do the
conversions rather than interfacing with the pre-generated html through a
Conor Daly,
Met Eireann, Glasnevin Hill,
Dublin 9, Ireland
Ph +3531 8064276 Fax +3531 8064247
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