[Techtalk] openoffice and scribus

Ricardo Dalceno rddalceno at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 17:37:54 UTC 2008

Hi all,

When I was working at Linux Magazine, we used to ask our contributors to
send us the articles in plain-text format.
We asked them to put some tags into the text, so we can use it to diagram
and edit the text in a more efficiently way. We created a set of tags and
published this in our web-site.

We were using OOo to edit the text and then the text went to a MacOS X +
InDesign to be designed. InDesign has a way to use and recognize XML tags
so, the work of designing the magazine was not so hard.

I dont know if Scribus already has the same feature, but you can use the
same approach...

I hope I could be more helpful.

|   Ricardo D Dalceno         |
| rddalceno at gmail.com     |
|-------------------------------- |
| Please, send                    |
|         PLAIN TEXT MAIL      |

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