[Techtalk] adventures in finding homes for old computer stuff

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Tue Feb 5 21:33:00 UTC 2008

How many ways must I say "there is no one in my area who will take these 

I was really hoping for helpful suggestions. Such as anyone who lives near any 
of these nice places that accept and re-use old computer gear, if you pay 
shipping I will ship it to you, and then you can deliver it to its new home 
yourself. I live in Oregon, USA. So anyone who will actually take the stuff 
off my hands, contact me off-list. Everyone else, thanks, have a nice day.


On Tuesday 05 February 2008 11:06:53 am Betty Johnson wrote:
> We have an electronic recycling centre here that accepts older
> equipment and if it is useable, it is refurbished and given to low
> income families. I am not sure if anything like that would exist in
> your area.
> On Feb 5, 2008 12:00 PM, Carla Schroder <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:
> > Here's what I've gone through trying to find some way of getting rid of my 
> > stuff other than chucking it into the garbage:
> >
> > - contact local thrift shops and charities
> > - talk to the two computer shops
> > - talk to the public schools
> >
> > The thrift shops and charities don't want it because it just sits there, 
> > eventually they have to pay to trash it.
> >
> > The two computer shops, which are all of them in the entire county, are 
run by
> > old dorks whose knowledge of computing could fit handily into a thimble. 
> > should call themselves "Reformat and Reinstall Shoppe". They don't want 
> > stuff either.
> >
> > The school district was the most fun of all. They might have taken it, if 
> > also donated a skillion hours of my time to them. Mmkay.
> >
> > Then when I'm talking to friends they all say "why don't you donate it to 
> > thrift shops/computer stores/schools."
> >
> > I looked up similar items on Ebay, and most of them don't sell, so then 
> > out listing fees. No I'm not going to do Craiglist; I have enough weirdos 
> > my life, don't need a fresh batch of new ones.
> >
> > So. Been there, done that. It's a shame to junk old usable computer stuff, 
> > unless someone can use it, that's what happens to it.
> >
> > Carla
> >
> > --
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Carla Schroder
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Chock full o' step-by-step howtos for network admins!

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