[Techtalk] mobo + cpu combos and PSUs need homes

Tricia Bowen tricia.bowen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 19:39:11 UTC 2008

Is there a local email list from http://www.freecycle.org where you live?
Freecycle has local mailing list where people can email their free stuff and
someone else nearby usually takes it off their hands. The local list in my
area is forever busy with things trading hands.

On Feb 5, 2008 2:22 PM, Akkana Peck <akkana at shallowsky.com> wrote:

> Carla Schroder writes:
> > Give me a little credit, sheesh, I actually thought of that all by my
> own
> > self! And I actually tried! There are not any places around here who
> want
> > them. How about you take them off my hands and give them to some charity
> > yourselves. It's hard to junk usable gear, but I'm not going to hang on
> to it
> > forever for "just in case", and I'm not going to travel all over the
> country
> > trying to find homes for it.
> It's the same here (Silicon Valley) -- most charities and thrift
> shops aren't interested in old computer equipment. Most of the time
> it comes down to a choice of throwing it away (for free) or paying
> a recycler to take it. So a lot of perfectly good stuff ends up
> in landfills. :-(
> I think part of it is that they assume they'd have to buy copies of
> Windows for any computer donated, so it isn't worth the money for
> old slow hardware ... they can't imagine the possibility of working
> hardware that doesn't need a Windows license at all.
>        ...Akkana
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