[Techtalk] mobo + cpu combos and PSUs need homes

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 19:40:38 UTC 2008

On Feb 6, 2008 12:52 AM, Akkana Peck <akkana at shallowsky.com> wrote:
> It's the same here (Silicon Valley) -- most charities and thrift
> shops aren't interested in old computer equipment. Most of the time
> it comes down to a choice of throwing it away (for free) or paying
> a recycler to take it. So a lot of perfectly good stuff ends up
> in landfills. :-(

Not really.... most junked machines (irrespective of working
condition) is exported to Indian ports. Consignments arrive at many
local ports where they are sorted according to working or non-working,
then type of hardware, its condition, etc and the working bits are
re-assembled and sold locally as secondhand stuff. The non-working
bits, that is useful too and actually the man who carts it pays a few
rupees (a dollar or two) and buys it. You may be wondering why will
someone buy a non-working electronic junk...well, he melts the
internal board and other metal parts and separates the gold, silver,
copper and other expensive materials and sells that and makes a
living. so much for the environment and so much for recycling e-junk

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