[Techtalk] thinkpad opinions wanted

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at freenet.de
Thu Sep 6 09:30:19 UTC 2007

Am 2007-09-03 15:43:30, schrieb Michelle M:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > The Wifi does work on Debian with 2.6.18 and I have a/b/g availlable.
> You definitely have the Atheros chipset?
> When I shopped around for an R60/61 (I forget which) it said it shipped 
> with an Intel wireless chipset - but they changed it at some point 
> recently to Atheros so some R60s have Intel, and work fine, and others 
> have Atheros, and at least with Ubuntu, have serious problems.
> I had to return the one I bought - I couldn't get it to work at all, and 
> ran into lots of walls (I wish I had documented it - it's all a haze now.)

It seems, the "Lenovo Thinkpad R61i Wide" does have the Atheros Chip, but I
will try to check it tomorrow (friday), since I need a customized Version...

The current price is now 1082 Euro


Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 1.5 GHz
15"4 WXGA+ 1650x1050		<= 2nd most important for me
1024 MB DDR2 667
256MB nVidia Quatro NVS140M
Biometric Sensor
W-LAN				<= Realy important if a/b/g
Modem				<= 3rd most important
3x USB2
Bluetooth			<= I hate it
Windows Fiasco Business		<= I get the TP without it

What I need and what I do not like in plus:

   1) Most powerfull standard Akku
   2) DVD replaced by a UltraBay Akku

I need an autonomie of at least 10 hours!!!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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