[Techtalk] Re: Techtalk Digest, Vol 46, Issue 18

Figaro ynegorp at charter.net
Sat Dec 30 23:53:51 UTC 2006

thank you!
Here is what I did:
(a): sfdisk /dev/sdb
sdb1 0 1800 L >enter<
sdb1 0 1799+ 1800 14458499 83 L
sdb2 1800 2213 L >enter<
sdb2 1800 2212+ 413 3317422 83 L
sdb3 0 0
sdb4 0 0
(b): mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 >enter<
(c): mke2fs -j /dev/sdb2 >enter<
(d): fsck -v /dev/sdb1 >enter<
(e) fsck -v /dev/sdb2 >enter<
(f): mkdir /mnt/1 >enter<
(g): mkdir /data1 >enter< >emacs /etc/fstab >save buffer
as /etc/fstab.122906.orig > then  edit to add /dev/sdb1 /mnt/1
and /dev/sdb2 /data1 > save bufferas /etc/fstab
(h): mount /dev/sdb1 >enter<
(i): "     /dev/sdb2 "
(j): cd >enter<
(k): cp -a -T /usr /mnt/1
(l): gentoo --root-ok >enter<
(m): visually ck that all looks good and that file attributes are the
same (probably should use diff to verify dir. integrity but I forgot the
exact sequence of options).
(n):close gentoo
(o): umount /dev/sdb1
(p): emacs /etc/fstab edit /dev/sdb1 /usr and /dev/sda6 /usr2 > save
(q): rmdir /mnt/1 >enter<
(r): mkdir /usr2
(s): reboot
Okay all up and away...........
I know that I asked to set up and split the /usr dir..but I decided to
just move the whole thing and will reformat the orig. patition
(/dev/sda6) for something else such as backup images or mysql data..
Anyway, thank you all.

> With tar:
> 1) create a partition on the new drive, format it, mount it as /mnt/something
> 2) cd /usr/share
> 3) tar --preserve --numeric-owner -cf - . | (cd /mnt/something; tar
> --preserve -xf -)
> Edit fstab, mv share out of the way, mount the new share, delete the
> old share like Conor explained.
> greets,
> Wim
> ------------------------------

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