[Techtalk] Mac or Linux for photo printing?

Eeva Järvinen eevaj at welho.com
Sun Dec 17 09:11:30 UTC 2006

On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 11:28:21PM -0800, Carla Schroder wrote:

> I don't care about finicky color adjustments or RGB or CMYK or how
> many pixels can dance on the head of a pin. When I want to print a
> pic exactly a certain size, or give it a bit of a border, or do a
> bunch of images on a page, I want to be able to set it up the way I
> want without having to calculate freakin' pixels and height-width
> ratios. For example, in some windoze app I forget now

I handled this once by using imagemagick + cups (lpr) on the command
line.  The scripts took a list of image files on the command line and
did some scaling and printing.  I don't have the scripts any more (did
them at work), but I recall it wasn't too difficult to make a couple
of scripts to do the printing I wanted.  I figure I'll be doing
similar scripts again, since my father-in-law is gonna give me a
digital compact this Christmas, but it shouldn't be too difficult to
script this kind of thing, IMO.

Now, what would be cool to have is a script that I could just drag the
picture files into the script and have it print the pictures.  Sort of
like specialized printer queues.


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