[Techtalk] Linux Laptops

Patricia Fraser trish at thefrasers.org
Thu Oct 27 21:35:03 EST 2005

Hi Kathryn,

> What's the best laptop for Linux?

I've got a Thinkpad T30, and it works well - I've only had it a week, so 
I haven't gotten around to trying suspend/hibernate, but there are 
packages for the buttons, and all the various network interfaces were 
detected with no problems. I didn't buy a new one; I couldn't afford 
it! I went to notebooksgalore.com.au for it, and paid $995 including 
GST, and got 12 months' warranty.

I checked out the Linux on Laptops site, and every one of the Thinkpads 
I could afford second-hand seemed to come out well. I noted, also, that 
many of the entries were getting a bit long in the tooth, and that some 
of the newer drivers weren't available when the articles were written; 
I wasn't too fussed if I couldn't get suspend/hibernate to work, but 
the writeups I've seen seem to say it probably will.

Good luck to it!


Trish Fraser, W1S0B 8Q2KH
do okt 27 21:30:23 EST 2005
GNU/Linux 1997-2004 #283226 counter.li.org
andromeda up 17 hour(s), 40 min, 34 sec
kernel 2.6.12-12mdk

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