[Techtalk] Linux Laptops

Kathryn Andersen kat_lists at katspace.homelinux.org
Thu Oct 27 15:52:45 EST 2005

I expect it's pointless to ask this question, but, hey, it can't hurt.

What's the best laptop for Linux?

The problem is, looking at previous answers to this question, here and
in other forums, the pattern seems to be "I have Laptop XYZ and it works
okay" or "I have Laptop ABC and it half works" and so on -- where XYZ
and ABC are old laptops which are not currently on the market.
Likewise, looking at various Linux-Laptops sites (such as Linux on
Laptops or TuxMobile) gives lists of laptops which people have installed
Linux on -- none of which are the new ones which the stores are selling
right now.

So I expect it's really an unanswerable question, but I'm a bit sick and
tired of the "you pays your money and you crosses your fingers" aspect
of buying laptops.

And, no, I can't buy a laptop from LinuxCertified, because I live in
Australia.  I did find, on the web, a place called VG Computing (in
Australia) which do sell laptops with Linux pre-installed, but they
don't accept credit cards, and that is not acceptable to me.
And, unfortunately, it looks like http://www.everythinglinux.com.au
are no longer selling laptops (I'm fairly certain they used to).


Sure, things have improved so that *most* things are going to work out
of the box, but I'd actually like to have a system where 'Suspend'
works, where the extra buttons are recognised, where you don't have to
have MS-Windows installed for everything to work...  I swore I wouldn't
get XP, ever, and I don't wish to go back on my word.

Kathryn Andersen
"Trouble used to follow him around in those days.
He's looking well...
I guess those days are over...
[sees fight] I guess those days are back again."
	-- Ilya Kuriakin on Napoleon Solo
	(The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: The Fifteen Years Later Affair)
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