[Techtalk] MTRR info please
Gebhard Dettmar
gebhard.dettmar at student.hu-berlin.de
Thu Oct 20 18:29:40 EST 2005
On Sunday 16 October 2005 02:22, Patricia Fraser wrote:
> Hello all,
> recently (since using kernels 2.6.10 and above) I've been getting a "no
> more MTRRs available" message at boot time, so I did a bit of googling
So with Kernel < 2.6.10 you didn't get the messages?
> and I'm not really a lot the wiser. My /proc/mtrr looks like this:
> [...]
> I've looked at the BIOS, and there doesn't seem to be much I can do to
> tweak what memory is set aside for graphics. Will it maybe make a
> difference if I set X up to use less video ram? I'm hoping for
> something that will use a bit less of my poor CPU, which seems to be on
> 99% more of the time than I'm happy with.
> Any clues where I could go for more reading?
Unfortunately not. I get the same messages on my laptop and didn't get any
wiser than you with Google. On my debian-user-german-list someone wrote
the clearest answer I found, so I'll try to translate it here
MTRRs (Memory Type Range Register) are CPU-Registers that the HW uses to
controll settings of certain memory-ranges, e.g. that the memory of your
graphic underlies certain rules. Those settings are typically controlled
by device-drivers. The amount of registers is limited, so if too many
devices are registered you get the the above message: no more MTRRs. This
is nothing to worry about, you'll lose some performance (a few percent)
when accessing those devices that didn't get their share of mtrr
To me that sounded like: can't do anything but nothing to worry about
> Cheers,
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