[Techtalk] CVS connection issues with new server

Lucky Lady needlesschatter at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 15 04:23:46 EST 2005


I've installed CVS (cvs-1.11.17-2.i386.rpm) on my new
Linux server running Fedora 2 to replace an older CVS

I've created the repository (/usr/local/cvsroot). I've
set the $CVSROOT environment variable and initialized
the repository. I copied the contents of the old cvs
server to this new one.

I've made sure that "cvspserver 2401/tcp" exists in
/etc/services. I do not have an inetd.conf file, so I
added this entry to my /etc/xinetd.conf file: 
"cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs
--allow-root=/usr/local/cvsroot pserver". (Note: even
without this entry I cannot connect)

My user account is valid, and I'm in the cvs group
when I look at the user management gui. 

We are not using telnet, so I can not debug using
"telnet ServerName 2401". The firewall is disabled. 

I'm using wincvs version 1.2 on my desktop PC, and can
still access the old cvs sever without a problem. 

When I try to access the new server, I get the
following message: "cvs [login aborted]: connect to
salt:2401 failed: Connection refused"

What am I missing?



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