[Techtalk] Gmail as backup?

Wim De Smet kromagg at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 05:21:50 EST 2005

On 11/29/05, Michelle Murrain <michelle at murrain.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of any scripts (perl would be fab) that can back up
> local files (like, say, rsync) to your gmail account? I just found a
> neat tool, called gDisk which allows you to copy files to your gmail
> account, and it seemed it would be neat to come up with something
> commandlineish that one could use to automate remote backups of
> particular files and such.

gmailfs allows you to mount your gmail account as a filesystem. (at
least it claims it can :)) I'd think that a standard rsync-backup to
that location would then be able to backup your files quite well.


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