[Techtalk] Can't send mail from emacs

dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net
Thu Jan 22 00:31:34 EST 2004

Hi again,

Mary <mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org> writes:
>> So - what should I change it to, and where do I need to change it?  My
>> actual email address is david at staly.plus.com (although the address I
>> give to people is david at aeolia.co.uk, since I prefer to use my own
>> domain name in case I change my ISP).  Ceres is the particualar
>> computer that I am using on a very small LAN.
> I can't answer this yet -- I can't answer it at all for emacs in fact.
> But I hope another list member can.

I could probably help with Emacs if you tell me which package
you're using to send mail.
Try M-x customize-group, group name sendmail.
Look for "envelope from", or:
M-x customize-variable, variable name mail-envelope-from.

(M-x means Meta key+x)


Dominik Schramm <dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net>
pgp key available via e-mail, web, and FTP from 

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