[Techtalk] (HTML) Repeating TH elements

Ricky Buchanan rb at tertius.net.au
Mon Jan 12 02:22:02 EST 2004

I have a longish table with about 10 fairly narrow column which, when
printed, takes up several pages.  I want the <TH> elements showing the
table headings to repeat at the top of every page so you don't have to
keep checking what column you are up to by counting from the left.  

Does anybody know how to do this in CSS (preferably) or in regular HTML
without explicitly copy/paste'ing the TH row into the right place?  I
want it to stay at the top of the page even if *where* the top of the
page falls changes, so I don't want to copy/paste it.

If nobody knows, does anybody know of a place where I might be able to
find the answer, google having failed miserably?  Or a forum where it'd
be an appropriate question?

I think it's a fairly advanced question ... at least the answer doesn't
seem simple :(


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb at tertius.net.au       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
: On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!],
: 'Pray, Mr.  Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures,
: will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to
: apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
: a question.  -- Charles Babbage

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