[Techtalk] Extending the network

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Thu Apr 29 08:12:33 EST 2004

On Wednesday 28 April 2004 21:57, Elena Lean wrote:
> I would agree with Carla that Wifi is not all secure, but it should not
> be ruled out on the basis of it's insecurity by nature. We all know that
> defualt setups are pretty slack in that feild as well as others.
> You can make it secure with a help of VPN, or Radius auth, etc. Plus,
> with well chosen equipment, it does not have to be slow either.

The instructor on a Linux course I went on recently had a wireless setup at 
home.  He used IPSec, and any traffic coming through the wireless network 
that was not through the IPSec tunnel was just dropped to the floor.

Might be a bit more work to set up initially, but it is what one would have to 
do if going out via the internet anyway.



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