[Techtalk] Backup types

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Sat Apr 10 15:18:44 EST 2004

On Saturday 10 April 2004 2:44 pm, Ricky Buchanan wrote:
> I have 18-ish gigabytes of sound files, mp3 and ogg format intermixed.
> They're mostly talking books but not many files over 5mb since they're
> nicely chopped into pieces for easy listening.
> I have them arranged into directories by author, which usually means
> audio-cd worth per directory (50mb+).
> My hard disk seems to be dying, so I want to back them up onto a pile of
> 30-something CD/Rs.  But I'm not sure of the best way to "arrange" them
> into piles of 800mb each to get them onto the CDs.
> I'd *vastly* prefer that they were accessible on the CD, that they
> weren't in a tar file or anything, because it's one less level of stuff
> that can get corrupted and loose me my files.  If I can have them just
> on the disk plain that'd be best.  But how do I "chop" the directories
> into the appropriate size chunks?  Anybody seen a script that does this,
> or know of a trivial way to do it?

Ya know, the easiest way might be to use K3B to burn your disks, 'cause it is 
like totally the nicest and best graphical CD writer in my not so humble 
opinion, and just start dragging and dropping files until it tells you the 
disk is full. It uses big fat green and red progress bars, so there's no 
mistaking when the disk is full. (or, to be precise, when the files you have 
selected exceed the CDR's capacity.) You're going to have to burn each disk 
one at a time anyway, so this seems like the quickest method.

Carla Schroder
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