[Techtalk] Backup types

Ricky Buchanan rb at tertius.net.au
Sun Apr 11 07:44:04 EST 2004

I have 18-ish gigabytes of sound files, mp3 and ogg format intermixed.
They're mostly talking books but not many files over 5mb since they're
nicely chopped into pieces for easy listening.

I have them arranged into directories by author, which usually means
audio-cd worth per directory (50mb+).

My hard disk seems to be dying, so I want to back them up onto a pile of
30-something CD/Rs.  But I'm not sure of the best way to "arrange" them
into piles of 800mb each to get them onto the CDs.

I'd *vastly* prefer that they were accessible on the CD, that they
weren't in a tar file or anything, because it's one less level of stuff
that can get corrupted and loose me my files.  If I can have them just
on the disk plain that'd be best.  But how do I "chop" the directories
into the appropriate size chunks?  Anybody seen a script that does this,
or know of a trivial way to do it?

: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb at tertius.net.au       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
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