[Techtalk] How should I partition the hard drive?

TechChiq techchiq at hotpop.com
Wed Oct 29 15:44:55 EST 2003

I'm getting ready to go 100% linux (right now I have a dual-boot 
win98/Linux). I'm looking for advice on how best to partition the hard 
drive. I plan to wipe everything out and install just Linux. I have a 
40Gig hard drive. What would be useful is not only what partitions would 
be for what dirs, but how big to make each partition. As it stands, my 
swap partition is at 550MB (I have 256MB RAM on my system, so that's a bit 
over double, which I thought would be good as I like to do a lot with 
graphics and photos).

My use will consist of Open Office, Opera, web development, learning 
programming, graphics (digital photography, digital art, web art), running 
some Windows programs (Wine) and running some DOS programs (DOSEmu 
hopefully - have to test that yet), burning CD-R/Ws, some games, and image 
scanning/ocr. Maybe even streaming media/mp3s. I want room also so I could 
download and try other software as I'm still kinda getting an idea of what 
is out there and what I would like to use. It'll be geared towards a basic 
single-user desktop machine with dial-up internet connection.

I'm using Pink Tie 9 (RH9 clone) and it's install lets me use Disk Druid 
to partition things. That's not a problem as I've become fairly efficient 
at figuring that program out. I just would like to know how much MB of 
space to set aside for what.


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