[Techtalk] KMail still bugging me

Doc Nielsen linuxchix.org at DocNielsen.dk
Sat Oct 11 14:59:18 EST 2003

No dice... now kmail downloads the URL and the LOCAL file is sent to opera
I clicked on http://mailman.linuxchix.org/mailman/listinfo/techtalk
KMail downloaded it, and opened this

so replacing konqueror with a link to opera is obviously not an option.
Besides, apt-get would overwrite it during an update.

I need kmail to send the URL to opera, not the filname to the locally 
downloaded/cached file. 
I would like KMail to send all HTTP/FTP urls to opera, and let is handle 
how its opened/saved etc... like KNode can.

- Doc

On Saturday 11 October 2003 14:09, Robyn Manning wrote:
> Hi
> What I've done before with KDE is open up the KDE Control Centre and go
> to File Associations -> text -> html and either Add.. or Move Up the
> relevant browser to the top of the list, then Apply and restart KDE.
> Robyn

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