[Techtalk] MySQL, PHP & Apache problem

Siobhan Elliott siobhan+lc at spiderland.net
Mon May 12 09:59:51 EST 2003

On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 12:41:17PM -0400, Jennifer Davis wrote:
> Hi:
> 	I began to work on an old database project that was dormant for a
> year, and in the meantime, I updated my Slackware distro to 9.0.  For some
> reason, I am not able to make amendments to the database.  I get the
> errors below.  The strange thing is that sometimes the changes work,
> sometimes they don't.  Does anyone have any idea why this could be
> happening?  For the record, I didn't think php requires variables to be
> defined.  Am I correct in that?

I believe it actually does /if/ you have 'register_globals = Off' set
in your php.ini file, so might try checking in there.

> Thanks again
> Jenn
> [Mon May 12 12:23:28 2003] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable:
> submit in /var/www/htdocs/scc.add/addentry.php on line 22
Re: a 'diverse' panel of music-listeners
If it were really diverse, they wouldn't just have music professionals on
the board.  They'd have a deaf person, some giggling schoolgirls, a
super-intelligent killbot, and maybe A MONKEY.  --szcx

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