[Techtalk] 3D pictures in browsers

Maria Blackmore mariab at cats.meow.at
Tue Jan 28 04:13:56 EST 2003

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Maria Pinjanainen wrote:

> We have some computed 3D data (irregular molecular surfaces) which we
> would like to present in a browser so that the user can zoom,
> translate and rotate the picture. Are there any emerging (open)
> standards on how to do this ?  Would be nice if it does not require
> that the surfer go trough too much installation hassle. Is the answer
> java3d ?

I don't know if the answer is java3d, but I would say that VRML is worth
investigating.  I have, in truth, never used it in any great seriousness,
but from the little I do know it seems like it's at least along the right
lines, and if not the solution then could well lead to one.

Good luck :)


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